“Fluency in math is known as the great equalizer.” –Jason Catanese, Pueblo
del Sol, math teacher
Armando Chavez, Pueblo del Sol principal, James Arndt, teacher on special
assignment and Jason Catanese, math teacher discussed math as the highest
indicator of success in a student’s future, more than race, family income or
background. A student who completes Calculus in high school will be 83% more
likely to earn a bachelor’s degree in college.
Isaac SD recognizes that in order for students to be successful in the 21st
Century, they must be fluent in math, science and technology. Isaac SD provides
accelerated math opportunities in Algebra and Geometry to 7th and 8th
grade students.
The team discussed the steps necessary to bring this program to any
middle school setting. Those steps included: Support from administrators,
investing students and families, curriculum and professional development, local
community and individual involvement, going the extra mile and path of
All students create a “Path of Greatness” plan to map their future math
courses through high school to college and career. This plan is a key component
to academic success.
The Accelerated Math Program has been replicated at all 3 middle schools.
As a result of increasing number of Isaac advanced math students, Phoenix Union
High School now offers Calculus and AP Calculus. For more information email
Jason Catanese at jcatanese@isaacschools.org
Emily Broome
Isaac School District No. 5
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