How did one Arizona school move its teachers and students to
greatness? The prescription is simple…by
having high expectations, a positive school culture, and a personalized
approach that motivates students. After
conducting perception surveys, the school developed the “Stars for Students
Connection Program” that improved the school’s culture ultimately impacting
student achievement.
Building positive relationships with ALL students is the key
to success. The staff received training
on building connections with students. Connecting
with students includes having meaningful conversations with student and
getting to know them on a personal level.
Next, staff members are encouraged to listen first, and to seek to
understand before being understood.
Other strategies for building connections include teachers welcoming
students at the door or eating lunch together in the cafeteria. Staff are asked to make two positive
connections each week with students…and yes, they keep score!
To encourage participation, have a method of accountability,
and instill a bit of competition, the staff created a scoreboard that is posted
in the staff lounge. Every student has a
scorecard, and each time a teacher makes a connection with a student, a star is
posted on the scorecard. Teachers meet
on a weekly basis to discuss how each team is making connections and what they
need to do differently to hit their marks.
After the implementation of this program, students’
perception of the school climate and culture had improved; and in 2014, Benson
High School was named as one of the best high schools in the country by U.S.
News and World Report, it was given a National Model School designation by the
International Center for Leadership in Education, and it was named an A+ School
of Excellence by the Arizona Educational Foundation.
Linda Jeffries
Alhambra Elementary School District
Alhambra Elementary School District
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